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Was once..

I am actually a rebellious person. Who was once sent to a religious school so that my darkest part can be nurtured slowly. I changed, so thus my dark site. They just disappeared and I turned whitish-innocent. I rely on God. Hang on and be so attached to Him.
Until one day He made me met you. A guy from nowhere. I turned greyish. Started to doubt my whitish site. Slowly torturing them with misdemeanor. And everything seems grey,but somehow with guidance, He led me back again to the whitish path. That was only once in awhile.
Standing between two area was overwhelming. You became so confused with each and every choices you've made. Beyond that, you've started to confuse with yourself. Am I white? Or am I really black? And that was terrible. But God knows me better. I should just let the judgement part to Him. Even me can't give a score to myself.



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