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Aku dan adik yang sakit 'radang otak'

And seriously, that situation was pathetic and hard. It made my eyes slightly  accumulated with tears and deep down broken inside. That kid, an Indian boy. he screamed out loud until the whole ward can hear him. I was in the next room. Did a physical examination upon a 1 month age boy who was diagnosed with bronchiolitis. I ran to the next room!


That boy screamed almost like hell! This is painful!!! He had severe headache that started a few days back. I didn't clerk his case, so I can't figure out the specific history. But he looked severely irritated. He knocked and kicked anything and everything around him!

"Stat the vancomycin now sister!"

"Ok doctor"


"He might have radang otak. Stat for lumbar puncture and CSF analysis", said the MO. 


I left the room. As my eyes can't cope with the feeling that I felt. Sad. Kecik-kecik dah kena gitu. (*Hati tisu*) Jangan nangis. Jangan nangis. 'Mengong Dr Najwa neyh eh', cengeng! - student lagi. Latihan boleh lagi!- Hati kental! Ok, bleh berhenti merepek ndak? -senyap.


Rupanya. Yang Dr sebut 'radang otak tu', meningitis. Patut stat lumbar puncture (cucuk bahagian blkg kau, ambik CSF fluid. Check ada bacteria ka ndak).


And your friend actually dah clerk that case. She said, that boy memang meningitis. Die dah sakit kepale lame dah. Xsilap sebelum die masuk, die ade fitz (sawan), last night pun die ade fitz. Rolling up of the eyeball. Tapi last night mak die xnampak. Nurse yang nampak. 



Meningitis ni apa Naj? - It is a life threatening condition. Where bacterial infection of the meninges occur. Means, ada layer dekat otak tu yang terkena jangkitan kuman. Bila kena ni, kau ada demam, sakit kepala yang teruk and leher kau rasa kejang-kejang. Ha, cepat-cepat ke hospital ya! Kalau anak-anak ada ni pun, kena cepat-cepat di larikan ke hospital. Jangan sambil lewa!


Bacteria yang salu buat huru-hara ni namanya streptococcus pneumoniae. Gram positive bacteria. Lancet shape diplococcus. Kalau neonate salu dapat from maternal vagina lepas dorang di lahirkan. In this case, it might be dari in contact with other person through respiration. Sebab menurut kawan, dulu kakak patient ni pun pernah kena fitz, without meningitis masa umur 3-6 tahun. Tapi dah totally stop until now. 


Adik tu umur 7 tahun

Lumbar punture


Mudah-mudahan adik tu berakhir baik. Last nampak dia . Tadi. Atas katil tolak untuk di bawa ke bilik khas, so that test di atas boleh di buat. *Hela nafas*


For treatment. Yang first, memang antibiotic jugak. Bacaan seterusnya. Boleh rujuk bahan bacaan ya. Vancomycin salah satu nya if ampicillin doesn't work. Based on organism pilih antibiotic ni. 


Moga datang kesembuhan buatmu dik! 


Esok exam for this posting! Mohon doanya rakan dan taulan :) Najwa sayang anda semua!



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