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Kehidupan 1

"Wa, bangun", suara Ma kedengaran dari arah pintu. "Arrr..", responku ringkas, sebab memang dah bangun tapi, teman sebilik mandi kat satu-satunya toilet bilik kami, so I have to wait. "Al~ cepat sikit, kite nak ambik wudhu'", pekikku. "Ok2". Maka bermulalah hari kami. Tiada perubahan, datang ke kelas 'tepat-tepat', sebab Seminar pertama kumpulan kami di jadualkan jam 11 pagi. Semua berdebar!

Tepat pukul 2.10 minit, Seminar selesai! Alhamdulillah.. semua orang dah bentangkan slides masing-masing. Seminar kami berkisar tentang "Breast", the surgical anatomy, physiology, pathology, medical treatment, management and surgical procedure yang boleh di buat. Interesting, tapi bila dah berlanjutan, penat dan sakit kencing datang berkali-kali. Maka berulang-ulanglah kami ke toilet. Adoi.

Petang, sekitar jam 4.30, kami turun ke lapangan (ward) untuk mencari 'new case' untuk di 'clerk'. Walaweyh! macam biasa la, semua patient try to avoid eye contact dengan kami. Kami akan jalan terkedek-kedek di dalam ward, sambil-sambil menjengolkan leher untuk stalk, mana-mana patient yang 'kelihatan sihat dan bertenaga'. Hehe. Mungkin di sebabkan penat melayan soalan yang sama dari staf-staf hospital dan medic students, patient jadi jemu. Bukan uni' kami ja dekat sini, Cyberjaya uni' pun dah memulakan posting mereka. Tabahlah wahai patient. Kami pencacai ilmu yang perlu jasa baikmu :)


Jenguk punya jenguk, naaaa.... jumpa satu. Pakai tudung, muda, umur 21 tahun :) Dan apa yang paling 'menyentuh' naluri kami, dia dah kahwin and now pregnant. "Sedikit touching dengan ke 'solo'an kami, tapi semua itu boleh di kawal" lol, haha. Ok serious.So in her case, what actually happened? This is how I'm going to talk about it in general way, sebab kawan yang clerk case ni, so saya tolong-tolong jak. Hee.

Case 1.

She is 21 years old lady, admitted on 13 January 2015, married and four months pregnancy.

According to her story, she had abdominal pain that actually radiated from the back to the lower region of the abdomen (The pain was more prominent at right iliac fossa). It suddenly started at night before she was admitted.She said the pain is colicky in nature and it took about 2 hours for the first pain before it was relieved. She said she tried to relieve it using ointment, but it didn't work. As the pain worsen, she went to the hospital to seek medical treatment. Not only that she said, the severity of the pain is 10/10 during that time, but the pain relieve after several hours waiting in the ward. Along with the pain, she also mentioned that she had vomited about 2 times before she came to the hospital. The content of the vomitus was fluid and one episode minimal amount of blood. She said, she doesn't have any loss of appetite or weight.
She had none significant past medical history. But she had one surgical history few years back due to motor accident. She said it is only a minor surgery for minor injuries on her skin. She's not under any medication. None significant family history. She's a non-smoker, once a passive smoker when her father still alived, and she never consumes alcohol. She said, after she was admitted, she complained that she hasn't passed stool yet, but she can urinate as usual. Other systemic review is unremarkable.

So what is your differential diagnosis? - That's what I'm gonna do now, 'RESEARCH'. hee.

Setelah selesai kes yang pertama, kami mula ber engsot-engsot ke sudut ward yang satu lagi. Kelihatan, seorang lelaki tengah duduk atas katil sambil memegang phone nya. "Aina, tu tu". Aina, "Ko nak ke? Jom la", dari kejauhan kedengaran suara pesakit,*Speak Kelantan*. "Uihhh, orang kito", kata Aina. Saya dah gelak-gelak. "Haaaa! Jom!". Maka kami pun mendekati patient. Bermulalah story line.

 (*To be continued)... ready to sleep. hee


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