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"Patience is something that is hard to explain"

Some people said to you " Be patience.. cool.." or "Don't act like a child!". But still, patience is something that is not easy to describe. It's inside you. Sometimes it makes you feel pressure, but sometimes it makes you feel more calm. To talk about 'patience', maybe we need some scientific theory right? So stop thinking about it theoritically :P, let's just go deep inside into "how to build patience in our life" :).

For me, a lot of things that happen in our daily life, make us someone that cannot control his or her temper. We easily feel angry and always tend to protect our pride with angriness. Despite it is a small thing that occur accidentally to us, we still tend to burst our angriness on that small little thing.

For example, when someone update his or her status on Facebook, even it is not for us, but as those words that she or he use is a little bit relate with our assumption, then we tend to judge and feel anxiety about it. Why? Hurm...

That's why we need "PATIENCE" :)

Patience when we feel angry,
Patience when we have to trough some medication,
Patience when your friends hurt you,
patience when no one appreciate you.
~Its all about Patience right?~

In Islam, there are many things that relate with patience. Allah said " For a moslem, good or bad, its all gonna be good for them" . When muslim/muslimah in happiness, then its good for them as it's easy for them to perform Ibadah, when in a sad situations, a moslem actually build up their strength and train them to face oncoming test with calm mind :)

It's easy to run your finger and write this entry about 'patience', but to put patience in your chest as the test come to you?? hoho. Its not gonna be that fun :) Face it!

thats all for today :)
Miss You All

Illalliqo'wa ma'assalamah :)


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