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8th February 2018

So this is our first trip for the 3 of us. Never before we went far for a vacation without our parent. Old enough to let go, so mom and dad gave us this chance. Hee. Thank you mom, thank you bapak.
Travel around with your siblings really exciting. Plus, you get to know each other better. Even after travel with friends we can create such bonding, apatah lagi with our own sibling right? ;) 

So, 1st - 6th February 2018, 3 of us traveled to Perak, specifically for Nurul Amirah Syafiqah's wedding (my adek angkat nya wedding). At first, it was only me who wanna go, but my father allowed us to go together. So it such a bless to go there with my siblings. Really a bless! Hee. 
I managed to show them where I studied and how 'big' my uni is XD They said, it's quite big. Hee. (Faculty of Medicine QIUP). So, not that bad huh? Haha. Managed to bring them to KTM and Riverfront. But those places no longer alive. Because they said, already taken back by MBI. Hmmm. Sayang. 

I loved seeing my siblings happy when they travel around. Especially my younger sister Lyana. Luls. This one person rarely shows her emotion. And she always lead. And it is so cute to see her vulnerable when she travel along with me. She showed her particular side that can't be describe. She took picture and feel happy about it. That one white door at KTM, yang aku salu lalu-lalu ja, boleh-boleh dia ambil gambar dekat situ xD So it was fun and cute.
My elder sister keep on telling she loved it. Ugh, I wish I can bring my family travel around the world. My sister said, she wanna go Japan. I'll put it in my dream list. (1001 impian). In shaa Allah it will happen. Just never stop dreaming. Never!
In front of KTM

Cameron.Snap mengejut xD

Atas pelamin nikah Angah


She wants that view

She keeps on telling me how beautiful KTM in Ipoh is. She said,feel like inside Kapal Van derwick nya movie. Lol! But Ipoh really had those places filled with old British buildings. So yeah, most of the building really beautiful and elegant. 
Salu aku lalu-lalu ja tempat tu XD 
So, besides those places,I brought them to Hadramout Restaurant also. It is a nostalgic place for me plus the food is very very good! Hehe. My sister ordered Big Mulawah, told her not to, cause I know she cant finish it, she as usual with her leadery character said, "I'm hungry, I can finish it, dont worry". Then...when the Mulawah was there...

She literally can't stop laughing! XD Told ya! Haih, one of those funny moment during the trip.Managed to snap her picture. She keeps on telling, I thought, 'big' is not 'BIG', lol. 
In front of KTM

Thank you Ya Allah for this trip and journey. Later bila dah keja, wanted to bring my whole family travel like this. - Wishlist @dreamlist. 

At Avant Chocolate

Thank you Aina, drive us all the way to Kellie's Castle. Really appreciate it. She also took our lovely picture there. You are the best Na!- This update is for our trip, will soon update about Angah's wedding and my whole thought process about it ;) 
#MasihHidup #MasihAdaTugas


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