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12th February 2018
Monday bluess~ hehe


Aiwah! I am officially 26 years old 30 minutes ago. Lol. NO NO, I am just 16 years old currently. - Deniable state. 

For women, birthday, anniversary, etc are SO SO BIG for them, thus guy, please take note, NEVER EVER forget your girlfriend's birthday date! Keep your phone, mind, facebook, instagram and even your guy friend alert with it! Haha!Or you'll screw everything up. For sure. 
But it will be different if your girlfriend is masculine, which you might not need to take it that heavy. Because they 'think' and 'act' like you. Like a guy! Lol. So... today, in this post, which I might read it back 10 years from now, I want to thank my mom. My always that lovey deviy mama, for.....tadaaaa!




Yah, I wanna thank mama for her lovely mama's way in order to show me that she loves me. Wake up early in the morning just so that I can eat breakfast with that big shining smile on my face :D THANK YOU SO MUCH mom. With you, I never feel deprive with love. Love is there and it will never get shallow.Never.

It was a short and small celebration, yet shows that I am still that small little daughter who needs her mom and dad. My father bought Udang Galah for us, and my mom managed to cook it for us. What a lovely day. Udang Galah engko ingat berapa ringgit sekilo?? XD 
But actually, if our parent can't give us this kind of celebration, doesnt mean you are not worth it. Maybe they can't afford it. Or maybe, you are the one who should start all this stuff at your home in future. Bcuz, your parent might have that background where they didn't celebrate birthday since childhood. but most of the time, naaahhhh~ Everyone got celebrated for birthday, not your parent, y0ur friends, maybe. So stay cheerful please! ;)
One tip for you guys,

Women, no need to buy expensive cloth, a car, or any other BIG BIG THING. It is your 'guy mind' which see that women want those. Actually, they just need your effort and consistency. Like a flower for day 1. A chocolate for day 3. Penat juga everyday kan, put your own gap lah, haha. What I wanted to say, doesn't mean, that thing expensive! You just need to be consistent with your effort ;)Simple. 

Ini~~ Mula-mula seja bunga sejambak, coklat sekotak,itu pun tepaksa, sebab gf merajuk sudah XD Bengong! - Sayang ka ndak?? Haaa~ kalau sayang, better read that book, "Women are from Mars,Men from Venus" ;) You will definitely know how 'women's mind' works.
Okay, enough with out of topic xD
So today, got few friend called and texted me just to convey Happy birthday Najwa! ;) Including this one special person, My GF! hehe..

Thank you Dr Sakina! haih, this lovely friend of mine will always rented one corner in my room (heart) hee. 

The most unexpected part today is, I need to involve in an event called "Kelas kecantikan & Make up Asas" by Puan Rosneh. It was such a lovely day. Thank you to those who came all the way to HANILA CUBE SHOP,BONGAWAN, SABAH. - My birthday & Mary Kay. - Big correlation.

I still remember how I got terjebak with MK during my birthday last year.

And still today! I am with MK for my birthday! XD Mary Kay Ash keep on chasing me I think! XD #Sisgurauje
Alhamdulillah for this lovely day Ya Allah. I love you mom and dad, I wish I can start giving back to both soon. In shaa Allah. Doakan Najwa boleh buat, kuat dan bersemangat selalu k!
#MasihHidup #MasihAdaTugas


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