21st January 2018,
So Hi.
I'm sorry to pop up my messy picture, tudung lilit-liit ja, sebab I took that photo early in the morning when my mom got angry kami belum beli barang dapur lagi xD So our fridge was totally empty that morning, so I grabbed that shawl and go buy groceries with my younger sister.
Mak cik is Confident.
Mak cik is Confident no one in Pasar will be attracted to Mak cik xD hahahahaha! Bengong!
My current topic is : Bare Face and Embrace you flaws.
So yeah, represent to you, my oily but 'getting better' skin. Sebab for the very last please! Allergic reaction which was started at around 25th December 2017 ritu alhamdulillah dah beransur pulih.
So basically my dear friend. Your product, your skin care, your each and everything, bukan 'not good'. It was 'my skin' which is choosy and too demanding xD haha. Pakai la apa pun, there must be a short moment of rebellious pattern there. So yeah.
What I want to share today is about "HOW TO REACT WHEN SKIN HAD ALLERGIC REACTION"
1. STOP everything that you think might trigger that allergy. For example, eating too much chicken! Stop! xD That week I ate too much KFC! And yeah, ambek kau.Haha.
2. STOP your current skin care. Depends, if that reaction more on your face, you better stop your skin care routine. Because we cant control which IgE yang ndak puas hati ngan part of our body. So stop trigger IgE ekau eh.
As for this, they'll provide you anti-allergy depends on how worse your reaction are. Minimal /moderate reaction, antihistamine should be enough. Najwa, memang terus Prednisolone haritu xD! Sebab muka dah cam bumble bee! So yeah, if within 2-3 days, you think that allergy reaction didn't reduce, GO CLINIC please! Najwa haritu 1 week juga try my own 'reliever', konon. It is not your skin somehow, but your blood! So ndak payah la traditional reliever sangat. Habis segala tomato la apa la. xD Hhahahah
So now,
Najwa in a state of recovery.
I stopped using make up. Daaaaa~~ I know some people will be happy when I gave up my Mary Kay. I'm not give up k! I just take my rest. Hahahahah - Najwa is degil as always. Ha, sapa mau order Mary Kay tu, masih boleh k. My sister is in charge for order k ;) - sempat lagi business.Kah3
Tapi, bila muka bare face keluar rumah, you know what, I started to feel free again. And I like it. I started to embrace my flaws. Best juga la perasaan dia. In shaa Allah getting better and my skin started to feel smooth and supple :) Semoga pengalaman-pengalaman Najwa ni nanti akan bermanfaat untuk my patient in future. At least, I know how they feel and how I can listen to them better when they come to me.
See you again in my next post ;)
A lot to live!
2018, do welcome me!
#MasihHidup #MasihAdaTugas