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24th January 2018

Claiming that we are so blessed nowadays, alhamdulillah, 'yes'. But, I dont know. You know what? people who had been through several struggle before will definitely have some sort of precaution when it comes to blessing. As it can be pull away or disappear at any moment of time. 
I still remember that moment when I fell sick and being admitted into ward. KPJ. And it cost my father around 25K for all the expenses. Not knowing about hospital, choices in treatment, that you actually have options made us blindly followed any recommendation by any private seeking money doctor. Maybe they thought that our family can afford it. Yes, still at that time. But then everything seems to change. 
We struggle. 
And you who judge my blessing today definitely because of 'not knowing' what I had been through before that bless moment we have. After I fell sicked, that tragedy was followed by my mom then my sister. We are no longer talking about it today, as nothing had happened yesterday. Because everyone seems already had their own 'lesson learned' through each and every struggle. And that is what we should called blessingsss dear. :)
After that struggle, we seems to develop an alarm clock within us, that this world is temporary. I still remember, having my temperature spike after my 3rd session chemotherapy, I told myself, "God, if I am healthy, I will definitely wanna do good things". But what happened after 'I am healthy?" - doe, still buat jahat jugak weyh. X lari pun dengan dosa. I am bad. That's how human react after they got what they want. But still, I am blessed as I still remember that moment. So everytime I want to do bad things, yeah, that picture of me in my mind. Struggling, shivering with fever will pop up into my mind, so your kind of evil will totally stop. Mau marah pun x brani marah kali ar bila teringat moment tu. 
So yeah.
No need to compare your kind of struggle with someone else. You just dont know what kind of wound they have before they had that scar on them. Be kind. Always. Kau nampak dia senyum? You just dont know how bad she/he cried under that smile. 
Syukur with your life. Appreciate everything that you have. And STOP DISTURBING OTHER PEOPLE'S LIFE just because you dont have one. I dont know how people live with jealousy and competition when at the end, nothing is yours. Count your blessing orang bilang. And enjoy your life- bapak bilang. Hehe.

As for now, I have those people who loved me for me. My most patience sister on earth. My encounter who will fight with me but at the same time manja-ing me.My Adek. My mom and dad. This whole thing really such a bless. And tomorrow will definitely have their own hope for me to continue this journey. I hope you too. :)
In kenduri, I dont cook, I wash dishes, hehe

My aunty and us. Washing dishes for Kenduri Day 7 Arwah Uwa. Just put it here as a memory for each other. You just dont know whom you gonna leave tomorrow. Either they leave you, or you are the one who gonna leave them. Appreciate. - Me too. Trying my best. 
Lets stop this celoteh kau ha.

My sister told me. If I write in English, I'll improve. I hope so. Haha.
#MasihHidup #MasihAdaTugas


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