So that night. He 'actually' told me about "Rumah Pengasih" ? If I'm not mistaken. He told that, woman with unwanted pregnancy and had HIV stayed in that house. But, my point in this post is his question regarding HIV. "Jadi sebenarnya, apa yang menyebabkan HIV tu ya? Camana la mau ubat tu?" And that night. My typical 'student mind' with exam oriented krik3* moment medical student came out. I cursed my own self as I can only replied those questions in the most 'surface' way. . So today, I decided, to 'kind of' pay it back . Boleh kan? Ngeh heh. So, apa sebenarnya HIV tu ? HIV tu sebenarnya stand untuk "Human Immunodeficiency Virus". If kita ada virus ni dalam badan kita, dia boleh bagi kita satu penyakit akhirnya. Iaitu--> AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Unlike other virus. Virus yang satu ni, macamana kau try buang pun, dia ndak akan pernah get rid of, kau kena tanggung sampai mati. Da...