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I've seen. I've seen that sincere friend taking care of his companion. And I felt entrapped within my superficial view, how did they get that? What is actually their foundation? To love, we need a base isn't it? And what is it for them? - Uncle Chinese in Palliative Care  Unit.


I've seen. A husband cried when his wife was actively dying.

I've seen. I've seen a son, taking care of his father like there is no tomorrow for both of them.


Maybe, we prefer to show and be sincere with the one we loved, when either one of us is actively dying isn't it? Pathetic. We're just so pathetic. Sigh*


The moment I've seen all of the above is the moment I decided, to give just love and the loving me to people.

" Najwa, kau kena start treat orang, macam kau rasa kau akan mati esok"


"If there was unfinished business, they might as well do it now"

"Maybe this Ramadhan is her last Ramadhan, so we may take it as her last wish?"

*Specialist of Palliative Care - Dr Yeat*


'Dan cukuplah kematian sebagai satu peringatan'


But some people don't get me. They just don't get me when I stopped hating and start loving.

Don't you get it?If you are about to die tomorrow, would you stay the same? Would you? You might answer it yourself.

I know certain decision didn't favour some people. But I need to start standing on what I believe rather than depending on others.

No hatred can change the world. It is love. It will always be love that can change the world.

And deep inside. I knew. There is no space for hatred. I just don't have that space in me.And I hope, I don't have to build a space like that. Forgive and give love. :)


No one can really love you. Until it is because of Allah.
Allah. Allah and Allah alone.
Thus, grab this one first.
Search for this one first.
In order to get it, you must be connected with your inner and true self Najwa.
Or else, you couldn't reach it.

Just stay connected with the SOURCE. You'll find what you are searching for.



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