And when she falls, she falls so hard on herself, that no one can make her bounce back to that unreliable space. Because, the moment she falls for her, she found freedom, dignity and the foremost thing is she found HER ;)
And today is our second day for the Geriatric Posting. Other than sweaty and a lil bit crowded hospital, I found my uwa (nenek) or else parent during their gold period later on. I mean, I can see now, how I'm gonna handle my mom, my dad bila dorang dah tua an. hee. Or else, I can definitely see myself bila dah tua nanti. When your age probably starts to eat your bone density and eventually leads it towards osteoporosis!
" Yep. If you have strong basic knowledge in medicine, you will definitely be good in Geriatric. Like kacang-kacang all. But, in Geriatric, you must be really careful. Because, for example, the pedal edema. This thing is in the 3rd space area. When you give diuretics, you must make sure that the edema is caused by hydrostatic pressure, not because of hypoalbuminemia. Some edema they are caused by oncotic pressure (hypoalbuminemia), suddenly you give diuretics to move all the water out, what will happen? You make the kidney dry! And the pedal edema is still there. With an older patient, they might come with both. Pedal edema due to hydrostatic pressure and hypoalbuminemia. Must know which cause which. So then our grandpa and grandma are not mistreated!" - Dr Cheah
"Mak cik! Mak cik ade demam tak??"
"Ye Doctor! ade lah sikit!"
And that moment. Benda yang paling kau lemah. LOUD kan voice dekat orang tua-tua sebab dorang 'kurang dengar'. Apatah lagi yang comel-comel dengan skaf tebal tutup dahi sampai takat atas kening tu. Andu bha.. ndak sampai hati you. Kiut.
Betullah kata Tuhan. Lepas lemah (baby) - Kuat. Gagah perkasa. (muda) - Lemah semula (orang tua).
'Maka beringatlah ya Najwa'
How you treat your parent, will define camana anak-anak akan treat you later on. Trust me.
Atu tah tungkal banar kan beduse dengan beliau ani. Huhu.
'Okay mom. Ampun maaf di pinta untuk salah silap anakmu ni all this while. Mau kiss mom di pipi kuat-kuat! Paluk kuat-kuat!' Love and miss you mom. Mun bapak, cium pipi, cium tangan aje tah. Supan. Udah tua bangka ani,kekekek.'
Doakan my journey ni finish with flying colours mom ;)
Hehe. Selitan. My mom baca ni. I know. Ngehehe.
Saja mbari gambar galap. Yang penting, gigi keliatan mom. Hahaha. Mom, Thank you untuk dress hari jadi tu mom. :D I'm sooooo happpyyyyy! Atu tah sanyum sampai telinge tu. Beg mom bagi tu inda keliatan tah pulang. Padahal, ade tu nyangkut di tangan.
Doakan anak mu yang nakal ini mom ;D
Dr Najwa de Bambam
Mood menulis tengah active. Sebab handphone masuk sepital. keh3