When life doesn't give you what you want. That means, life want to give you what you need :) Never blame God in anything you can't achieved or in anything you can't retrieve. Everything is already written. And God never makes mistakes :) And now, it's your choice :) Either, to move the 'Planned of God' with an open heart, or stick with the grievances along the journey.
And from 'them', I learned about acceptance and gratitude :)
Gratitude is Gold: If we want to be happy, we must try to learn to make others happy first. If we want to succeed, we must learn to help others succeed, as later we will get what we give! -DAO. Hashtag#throwback #OneYearCGATanniversary :) #fxunited #Candlestick? I hope, you'll always burn! for us ;) Thank you to my sifu and the team member :) You know who you are. In shaa Allah, next year, again! we'll repeat the history!
Gratitude is Gold: If we want to be happy, we must try to learn to make others happy first. If we want to succeed, we must learn to help others succeed, as later we will get what we give! -DAO. Hashtag#throwback #OneYearCGATanniversary :) #fxunited #Candlestick? I hope, you'll always burn! for us ;) Thank you to my sifu and the team member :) You know who you are. In shaa Allah, next year, again! we'll repeat the history!
So, those kids :) Lived with their grandma and grandpa after their mother died in a motor vehicle accident. 'Kau usap, satu kepala anak yatim, in shaa Allah, berjatuhan dosa-dosa'. My naqib told me once. One thing about them, those 'kehilangan', never fades the smiles on their faces.
'They taught me that'
Gratitude is something you built inside yourself, after you learned how to appreciate each and every thing.
So, here I am. Talking about gratitude. :) Let me tell you a story.
Few days back, I had this heavy thinking about my financial issues. I am worried about everything regarding my finance. Itu lah, ini lah. Camna mau bayar itu, camna mau bayar ini. Pokoknya, bulan ni memang perlu duit! Mana lagi orang lain 'perlu pinjam' duit kita. Dalam sempit, kita bagi juga. Sebab kita tahu 'rasa sempit' tu. Susah kita menolak. Selagi aku boleh tolong, aku tolong. Padahal...
Luls. But, #Lahaulawalaquwwataillabillah :) Allah Maha Atur. Dan mungkin, Allah hantar 'orang pinjam-pinjam' waktu kita sempit tu, adalah 'ujian' untuk hati kita. Masih kah si fulan ini bergantung penuh pada Tuhannya? Atau kikir lagi hatinya? Allahuakbar.
Aku gantungkan hati pada Tuhan.
Dengan tidak semena-mena. Allahuakbar, Allah beri aku duit semula dengan cara yang aku tidak pernah sangka-sangka! Kawan tiba-tiba serah duit hasil jualan. Tiba-tiba refund dari car company. And it's happened so fast! your bank account tiba-tiba terisi semula!
'Betullah. Bila Tuhan mengajar kita. Tuhan cuma hantar ujian' :) Kita sajalah. 'Menilai' didikan Tuhan itu dar sudut mana :) Saat hati kau talakan pada Tuhan, nothing can break your soul. In shaa Allah.
Tidak mudah. Untuk detach kan hati pada dunya ni. Bukan mudah. Lebih-lebih lagi, setelah kita 'senang' menikmati apa yang Tuhan beri tu. Cuma perlu didikan. Ndak perlu cakap tentang hati orang lain,ni hati sendiri ni.
Moga kita beringat :) Mohon doanya untuk our current posting, Public Health! Moga Tuhan beri kekuatan untuk tempuh.
Sayang semua!