Full time housewife / Partial housewife / not a housewife at all? Lol. Which one might be good for me? This holiday really testing me in different aspect so-called 'views' of my life. Which one is the best option after all? My mom taught me how to be that 'partial' type. Luls. But eventually, that kind of task also brought some inner less self-satisfaction in me. Can I have it all? Can I actually sacrifice myself to have it all?
"What do you mean by less self-satisfaction?"
I mean, can you put yourself in both tasks, fully? For example, can you give your full attention and understanding towards the book that you read while at the same time, you also do cleaning, cooking and renovating the house? Are you capable of doing those multitasks ? Fuh! challenging. But to be true, as a woman, we can't avoid those things. One day, somehow, we will go through those things :)
Honestly, for now. If you asked me. I'll eventually answer that I'm not yet capable. I might trained myself and know my capability only after I entered the working zone. hehe. Even during my practice session in Hospital Beaufort, I can't afford to prepare meal for my family for their lunch. Now, I can. :) Because already have free time maaa. Hii.
Today, I have 2 projects. Hehe. One is 'Langsir project' and 'the other one is 'Room renovation' project. With mutual cooperation of my sister ;) I don't know, if I should call this transformation or reformation. But either way, I bothered only about changes and new way of comfortable living.
Partial or full-time housewife? It doesn't really matter. What does matter. Is actually, my capability ;) Chewahh.