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5 October 2011.

When it comes to life, you have to remember that you’re not gonna decide on your own. There is something biggest than anything else that arrange you either you believed it or not. Today, my story, I am a little bit tired to front this world. But, is it the end of everything?. No!! I’m not gonna let it happen. I have another chance. Yes, I have it. First, I already got place to sit for medicine course in Trisakti’s University, but then, I don’t have scholarship :’(. MARA has changed their policies this year. They don’t send any student to Trisakti University anymore. Is it the end of everything?? I pray to Allah, hope it’s not gonna be like that. So, Uncle Ben tried hard to make me enter Gadjah Mada University. So then, he met the TNC or here, they called him as ‘rektor’. After some discusson, Uncle Ben told us, that ‘I am accepted’ @_@. But..... for next intact. Next year?? =_=’ . At first, I’m SAD. So....SAD :’(
But, then, Uncle Ben and my father cool me down. They told me to be strong. I am questioning in my mind.
=_=’ , is that how ‘ilmu’ is so EXPENSIVE??
+_+’ , is that how HARD to chase for Medicine Course??
 #_# , is that how far Allah gonna TEST me??

!_!, Ya Allah... it make me feel down... down until it’s hard for me to breath! Breath Najwa!! Breath!! I’m not strong enough Ya Allah.. is this how You want to trend me to be patience and strong. Everything that happen in my life, is always TEST. Oh God! This test has freaking me out!!
And now?
According to Pak Ben, I will continue my study at UMS for six month. Then, after six month, I will go to Gadjah Mada University for Medicine. My subjects in Nutritious course that related to Medicine will be transfer to Gadjah Mada after I get there.
What I’m gonna do next??

1. I will improve my skill to speak in English. I will!! insyaAllah.
2. I will get high pointer in Nutritious course. 4.00 falt @_@. Or at least, 3.9 =_+. InsyaAllah.

3. I want to decrease my fat. Huhu *_* [ehehe]

Don’t give up Najwa, your world not gonna end by all this simple stuff! It’s always happen. Not to you only. And you are not alone!! Remember that :’)

Oh Allah, I’m not gonna stand this without You :’)

To my father, I have nothing to say :’,( U just make me feel good all the time eventhough u are not in a stable economy right now. I just can say, I Love U father. Love U so much! :’) I’m not gonna forget all this things. It just make me learn and think. :’) Ohoho. My tears can’t stop! Ta Allah, bless my father, bless him please..... I beg You. Only You that I can hold to. Only You Allah.

It’s gonna be okay.... trust Allah! Trust yourself!!


"When patience is bitter, then the result will be sweet"


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