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Uhu ~ bingung! mana satu nak layan dulu ni??? |
Asalamualaikum w.b.t =)
Meet you all again in this entry ;).
Want to share some sort of small awkward feeling here, but still consider it normal. But before that, lets go through this ~
" Behold in the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (13-28)
From that "ayaht", what appear in ur mind?? =)
Its about satisfaction right?. Erm..... Before I tell you the main thing that I should share in this entry, let me share some story =).
" Linda & Ciciy ni sahabat baik. Dorang jumpa tym kat tempat belajar d Institut ....{rahsia}, ehe. Selama ni, diorang kawan baik ja. Tapi, satu kali tu, kawan c Linda, iaitu c Ciciy ni, asyik-asyik buat muka masam, kasar kalau berkata-kata, [ndak la kasar sangat pun, kasar dari biasa la ] , asyik-asyik tunjuk muka la! ndak habis2 ! {ehe, emosi pla kan :P}, mungkin atas dasar ketidakstabilan hormon kan... ala, biasalah...wanita kan ;)... hee. Dah tu... c Linda ni pun ndak sudah dapat tahan ~~ lalu "mempamerkan" keterasaan hatinya itu.... {na.... merajuk sudah...}.Linda ambik tindakan untuk tidak melayan Ciciy, walaupun Ciciy dah ok dah tu, cuba bergurau-gurau, tapi, Linda ambik gurauan itu sebagai satu "bahan yang tidak lucu" , ya la... orang terasa la katakan.... hehe."
"ha! ni kisah pertama, apa pendapat kamu?? adakah kerana salah faham?? atau tidak wujud toleransi dalam persahabatan?? kurang karakter "faham-memahami" ?? atau macamana?? Erm.... ndakpa2 =), simpan dalam minda dulu ar.... kita tengok kisah seterusnya =)
Ok =), ni kisah kedua.
" Linda & Ciciy ni kawan.... maybe ndaklah serapat mana... tapi consider kawan juga la..... {ek??}. Actually, Linda dah ada kawan-kawan lain sebenarnya, ciciy pun sama, tapi mereka still berkawan juga la, berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain juga, cuma, tidaklah serapat Linda n the geng dia yang tersendiri... jadi... mahu di jadikan cerita... satu hari, Linda bagi lah hadiah kat geng2 dia.... dia ada bagi juga kat salah sorang geng c Ciciy, tapi, ya lah... salah satu geng ciciy tu sahabat Linda kat zaman remaja dulu.... tak salah kan??. Then kita sambung ya ;), Tup-tup, tanpa disedari.... c Ciciy mula tersinggung... terasa la pulak.... dia wonder... kenapa c Linda ndak bagi dia hadiah juga.... Habis c Linda ni di boikotnya, dia blacklist kan. Linda pula, , Linda sedar.... tapi, lebih suka memandang suma tu scr positif ;). Tammat~~
Erm, macamna??What u guys can aspect from my short share?? hehe..
Alright... its better not to burden u guys with so many questions right?. hee. :P . Ok2. What I want u all to know here, we are just not "God" to make all people satisfied... Only Allah can give something what we call "satisfaction". In the first story, actually, Ciciy don't even want to make Linda feel miserable, but she have "Menstrual syndrome" that week, she just can't control her emosional. But she doesn't mean too.... But perhaps, in this story, she also need to admit, that she can't make everyone satisfied... So, let it go Ciciy =), Just go on with your life =). Through the 2nd story, maybe Ciciy just too sensitive, she thought that everyone should consider her as one of the most important thing, but she need to accept... not all things in this world u gonna get, sometimes, Ciciy need to consider others too, rather than ask, its better to give =).
And off course ;). Only Allah can make us feel satisfied, praise to Allah =).
not only that, if we through same experience as Ciciy & Miniy, always remember, Allah know.... and He always near to us to give us strenght =).
Thats all for the sharing tonight. InsyaAllah, meet u in another entry ;).
Gud night.
illalliqo'iwama'assalamah =).