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Let me introduce you To someOne speCial (^_+)


Asalamualaikum to all my friends =) ....

Hope u guys always under His guidance... insyaAllah....

First of all, let me tell you, I'm not consider as a good user for this language.. =) hee..
But its better for me to try right?
Like always said,,practice make perfect ;)

LeT me InTroduce You!

This Person....

When kak Nissa' start open her mouth to talk, suddenly, all of us quite.

Kak Nissa' when hear a lecture from anyone =)

Hurm.... that picture didn't snapped good, right?? hehe...It's ok.... That picture just show us how serious she are...ngeh3...

Actually... she is not that serious... =)
Maybe, some of you wonder..Why I'm telling all this kind of thing about her??
Suddenly like this??

Erm...let me answer you =)

Today, after our Chemistry's test for midterm done, 
I met Kak Nissa' during her pre-presentation for a competition..
I'm not so sure about whats going on, but, what I saw, there are a few person, with smart shirt, present about their poster in front of judges?? I guess...

They present, and being asked few question.... hurm...
And when Kak Nissa's turn.
( she is the last participant)
She present with the most incredible way ;)
I'm impressed!
she used English's language in presenting her poster.
She  speak fluently about science, about inheritance, about how paddy field can be classified into fragrance and non-fragrance.
And the unusual thing is....?
All things that she present, is still under observation and experiment, but she can explain about those things, like she already done all that manual till finish??
She said to us,Jima and me,
"I read about those things (DNA inheritance), many times".
uhu... I just "gulpp" my saliva...haha

The way she present is not look like she just read about,
but like she already done her phD. :D

Not only that, I also attracted and admired her,
as she used "InsyaAllah" each time that professor asked,
" are you sure this thing gonna show positive result??"
or any question that try to test her self esteem.

when her presentation done,
then I saw....
hurm... biotech is interesting =).
Many things that looks complex to me,
now looks easy.

Live in science's world is something special.
Its different when you just hear about that compare to observe and prove it by yourself =)
Besides, science make or specifically force you, to become a thinker =).

May Allah bless us.
thats all in "Let me introduce you to someone;)"
Illalliqo'wa maassalamah....


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