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Asalamualaikum teman-teman ~

hari nak share je,

Tadi petang... kami ada presentation English,

And saya bawa tajuk "Science of Quran" ;)

Nabilah bawa tajuk "Doctor",

Syaidatul bawa tajuk "Child Abuse",

Alhamdulillah ~~

Allah permudahkan juga urusan untuk menyampaikan,

Iyalah kan, takkan bergerak lidah, jika tidak kerana Allah...

so, tadi, apa yang saya sampaikan ialah :


Asalamualaikum w.b.t & gud morning to all in here.
And thank you to Madame Wardah.
Today, I’m standing here , I want to present to all my friends about an interesting topic, entitled “Scientific Quran”.But don’t misunderstood, because I did not speak to discredit anyone or to be a prejudice. I just want to share about this interesting topic to show how the Quran can be associated with science. I am a person who always want to discover many thing ,and that caused me to read and add my knowledge.

This topic, I discovered from a book, entitled “Quran scientific”. But it is in Malay, so I had to translate some into English.
First, I want to share, how Quran thougt us about Black holes and the occurrence of the stars. Stars are huge objects in the cosmos and the amount is so great. In the Milky Way galaxy alone the total is between 200 to 400 billion.

CNN.Com dated July 23, 2003 reported the number of stars in the sky above 7 sextilion (7 followed by 22 zero). This is based on counts made by researchers from the Australian National University
In the Quran, about 13 places that tell about the stars.The words used by the

Quran is 'Najmuu' (one star) and 'Nujuum' (stars).

For example, Al-A’raf number 54:

“(Of authority) : He draweth the night as aveil O’er the day, each seeking the other in repeat succession : He created the Sun, The moon, And the Stars, (All) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!”

This is just one of the example, if want to know more, you can review the al-Quran.

If earlier, we are talking about the stars, now, let’s look at how quran, associated with the phases of man’s creation.

Professor E.Marshall Johnson, Chairman of the department of anatomy and biological growth, cum director Daniel Instituition Bangh, Jefferson University,Philadelphia America. At Medical Conferences to seven in Saudi Arabia,1982. He said, “ Quran is not only explained about outer embryonic development, but also explained about its internal development. And this is parallel to contemporary science.

Allah said :

In An-Nuh:14

“Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages

Through science, we discovered that, fertilisation occur when ovum and sperm get together. Then it formed embryo. Embryo will through mitosis process, and lastly became fetus.

Allah said: Al-Mukminun : 14

Then we made the sperm into clot of congealed blood; Then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah. The best to create.”

We are able to see, no direct conflict between science and what is contained in the Quran. Whereas, the discovery that the encounter was slower than the decline in the Quran.

Thats all for today, thank you for lending your ear.
Read phonetically

Maybe, BI saya tak lah bagus sangat grammernya, tapi, alhamdulillah, Allah berikan kebolehan untuk pronounce setiap frasa tu dengan baik, :)

InsyaAllah~ dimana pun kita berada, Islam patut di bawa~~

buat teman-teman seperjuangan, apa pun course anda, agama bukan benda yang boleh di pisahkan dengan kehidupan.

Sekian, selamat malam...

Illalliqoi'wamaa'ssalamah ~


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